The years passed
Our 5000 sq feet warehouse slowly grew to warehouses across the US and our product line keeps growing and growing.
The team also grew. There was one specific requirement for anyone joining the team - you needed to be caring and devoted. Period. Medial Mega customers deserve that.
We KNOW our products.
We UNDERSTAND our customers.
A couple years down the line, a team leader stepped up to give the team the education that would help
them better serve customers. He'd been through an arduous medical journey and was able to relate to
customers because he'd been there, done that.
He periodically delivers special Ostomy training to our customer service reps to help them really
understand what our customers are going through. Like this, they can better assist customers with
ordering process.
Our team gets to know the ostomy products inside out. All our reps are not just spouting package
They're able to

help you find solutions to any problems that crop up

find accessories that might help you

support you along your Ostomy journey
Wound Care is our top priority
At Medical Mega, we focus strongly on wound care products with the support and backing by our Wound Care Specialty Team. We're connected to leading wound care manufacturers, brands, and product developers.
We work together to:

get a good understanding of the wound care healing process so we can help patients in their struggles

create new products to serve our patients better

No question is too small, no question too big, no question too bothersome.
Our staff is on hand to make your life easier.
From fast shipping, to putting an order through for
we're at your service — and that isn't just a nice buzzword.
Medical supplies you can get anywhere.
What you can't get anywhere is the signature Medical Mega touch.